Security Statement is a wholly owned service of Dirty Old Coins, LLC, a Minnesota USA company.
Tantalus is hosted on a dedicated server with daily backups. If the service were to be interrupted the data would be restored from the previous backup. This does not include normal maintenance in which case all data is guaranteed to be safe upon completion.
State of the art technology is used to restrict access to our servers so that you can rest assured your information is housed in the most secure environment possible.
The Tantalus data interchange system ensures that data transferred between your PC and our computers is encrypted with 128-bit keys. Encryption is accomplished through Secure Sockets Layers (SSL) which utilize mathematical formulas to "encrypt" or hide information from prying eyes on the Internet.
You are advised to change your passwords on a regular basis and keep a record of them in a safe place. No one from Tantalus can see your password nor will they ever request it as part of troubleshooting. All passwords are encrypted.
Our security certificate is provided by GeoTrust to protect your sensitive information. Please click on the GeoTrust logo to read more about how they use SSL technology to protect our users.
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