Tantalus - the online coin registry

User Information Page

About this user: Hi, my name is Edward Witherspoon, and I have been a collector of ancient coins since 1985. This passion for ancient culture led to my degree in Classical Civilizations and Culture from Florida State University.

In 1998, I rediscovered the hobby through eBay as a buyer. In 1999, I started selling on eBay, and built my business up as a purple star and Power Seller While I have prided myself on being a resource for new collectors, I have stocked and sold coins at all levels of the hobby.
Payment Methods: Paypal preferred, will also accept personal checks or Postal money orders, which must clear before shipment.
Contact Information: Please feel free to email me at edwardwitherspoon@att.net
Coins for Sale: 1 (search)
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Coins for Sale:
Coins in Collection: 30 (search)
Contact User: Send a message to ejspoon

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